The Heart Project Business

Our Assignment is to Save Lives!

Cardiac emergencies are the leading cause of death in the United States and unfortunately the young are not excluded from this statistic. A focused effort on cardiac arrest preparedness in schools, youth organizations, and business servicing youth is critical to protecting our children and others in the community.


What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)?

Sudden cardiac arrest is the result of an abrupt loss of heart function that occurs when the electrical system to the heart beats rapidly from a dangerously fast rhythm in the bottom chambers of the heart muscle. This rhythm becomes too fast and irregular to support enough oxygenated blood to the brain and body, resulting in a sudden loss of consciousness. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is necessary to support blood flow to the brain and vital organs until the electrical rhythm can be restored with use of an automated external defibrillator (AED), to prevent sudden cardiac death.

What is the Heart Project Business?

The Hudson and Hundreds Foundation’s Cardiac Preparedness program has created the Heart Project. The Heart Project is a program to provide schools and community organizations the education and tools to develop and sustain a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) response program. We created the Heart Project Business to allow business to participate and see the value in our program dedicated to our youth. SCA can happen to anyone anywhere and we want to make sure business are prepared.

This program provides business with the education and tools to develop and sustain their SCA response programs. As licensed provider of the American Red Cross, the Hudson and Hundreds Foundation provides licensed Instructors to provide hands-on training and education to business who wish to support the Heart Project Schools and become a part of the Heart Safe business.

Program Highlights

The Hudson and Hundreds Foundation provides businesses:

  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training/certifications for employees

  • Training to ensure that employees responds quickly and efficiently to SCA event

  • Practice drills to promote employee familiarity, rapid on site communication and practiced coordination with your team and local Emergency Medical Services*

  • Training on the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to provide rapid defibrillation in the event of sudden cardiac arrest

  • Collaborate with management on the development of an emergency response plan

Learn CPR


Save Lives!


Learn CPR 〰️ Save Lives! 〰️


If your interested in becoming a Heart Safe Buisness please fill out the form below!